Archives for 2016

Mr. Bogle and me

Jack Bogle, Fiscal Saint Back in November, Mrs. jlcollinsnh and I had packed our bags and were preparing to leave our hotel to catch our return flight to Quito for our annual Chautauquas. We’d spent the week in the little fishing village of San Clemente on the Ecuadorian coast relaxing and catching up with friends I’d… [Continue Reading]

Buy Your Freedom; Rent the Rest

Both with housing and cars. Renting lets you get ahead, because you don’t need to take the financial risk to maintain a physical asset. You are also less stressed and you have more flexibility because your costs are always predictable. Stress free and predictable. That’s the key to freedom.

A visit to the Frugalwoods

  This past Saturday, Mrs. jlcollinsnh and I dusted off our passports, loaded up the old Forester with… Jake the Wonder Dog ..and left New Hampshire for the two-hour trek over to the Frugalwoods’ new… Vermont homestead We got to visit with… Mr. and Mrs. Frugalwoods and… Babywoods and Frugal Hound Mrs. jlcollinsnh was particularly… [Continue Reading]

What the naysayers are missing

Recently, some of my friends enjoyed a bit major media coverage. Kristy and Bruce of Millennial Revolution were interviewed on TV and I love their last line: “If you figure out money, life is incredibly easy. If you don’t, life is insanely hard.” I like it so much it is now part of I could not have said it… [Continue Reading]