Chautauqua 2018: Mt. Olympus, Greece

Cavo Olympo

Chautauqua 2018 on the shores of the Aegean Sea at the foot of Mt. Olympus

OK, I’m just going to come out and say it. If you want to join us for Chautauqua 2018 this October stop reading and go directly here to sign up:

Chautauqua Greece, 2018

Do it now. The advance interest we’ve had in this one has been like no other. Chautauquas always sell out quickly, and this looks to be a whole other frame of reference. If you miss out, be sure to put yourself on the wait list.*

Once again, Alan and Katie are handling all the logistics as they did for Chautauqua UK 2017. That result was brilliant:

As you can see, we are not only going to a new country, our accommodations will be equally cool but very different. That is the Chautauqua plan going forward: Different countries and accommodations; always unique.

What remains the same is my original vision from the very first one: To hang out in a cool place, with cool people and to discuss cool things like financial independence, happiness and whatever else comes up. I’ve attended nine Chautauquas so far and they have yet to disappoint. Attendees call this one of the best, if not the best, week of their lives. Summed up best perhaps in this quote:

“No one in my day-to-day life understands this FI path. At Chautauqua, everybody gets it. I have found my tribe.”

Here are the weeks and speakers for 2018:

  • Week 1 — October 13-20, 2018 — JL Collins, Millennial Revolution, Mr 1500 Days and Alan Donegan
  • Week 2 — October 20-27, 2018 — JL Collins, Millennial Revolution, Choose FI and Alan Donegan

Want to know more about these rascals? Check ’em out here:

Speakers Chautauqua 2018 Greece

There is some sad news to report on the Chautauqua front.

Cheryl, who handled the logistics for the Ecuador Chautauquas, has announced she will not be doing so going forward.  There will be no Chautauqua Ecuador 2018.

These were the first Chautauquas and will always hold a special place in my heart. She has my profound thanks for all the hard work, fun and great humor she brought to the effort.

Here are a few attendee created pieces that capture the magic of Chautauquas past:


Chautauqua 2015 

If you are interested in more about past Chautauquas, here is a link to all my posts on them:


 More than just my perspective, embedded in these posts you will find numerous links to posts attendees and speakers have written about their Chautauqua experiences.

Here are my first two, if you are interested in the origin story:

Meet me in Ecuador?

A Chautauqua in Ecuador

Reviewing those leads me to the second bit of sad news. After five consecutive years, Mr. Money Mustache is taking a break from being a Chautauqua speaker.

He gave me the news last fall during the Chautauqua in Ecuador and, I admit, it caught me off guard. Mr. MM was the first person I approached to be a Chautauqua speaker and I had come to think of him as a cornerstone. But, thinking back, I remember him telling me at the time that traveling to distant countries to be a speaker really wasn’t his thing and that he was only going to do that first one. So the remarkable thing is not that the end has come, but that he gave us five years worth of great times.

Thank you, Mr. MM! You will be missed and you have a standing invitation to return!

And you, my reader, now have your invitation to come. It is not for everyone. Indeed, over the past five years and nine events, we’ve been able to accommodate less than 250 people. A key to the experience has been keeping the groups small and intimate. Everyone gets to know everyone. Deep friendships, and sometimes partnerships, are made. Across these two weeks we’ll only add ~50 more.

Hope to see you there!


*Both weeks have sold out. However, please feel free to put yourself on the:


What the other speakers have to say:

Millennial RevolutionChautauqua: Come Join the Family   (This is a brilliant post with all the details!)

1500 Days to FreedomMeet some awesome people… (Another brilliant post, this one with dinosaurs!)

ChooseFI — Oh, the Places we will go   Chautauqua in the words of the speakers who will be in Greece. There is nothing quite like hearing the voices behind the words.

Also, be sure to listen to this episode with Travis Shakespeare.  Travis is a master story teller and, among other things, he shares three:

  • How the FI movement fits into the cultural fabric of America and its traditions of rugged individuals charting their own course.
  • The coming documentary on the FI movement of which he is the director. (Travis is a professional filmmaker)
  • How he decided to come to Chautauqua and what it has meant to him. One of the best insights I’ve heard or read yet.

Mad FientistMoney Talks panel discussion at Chautauqua UK  Attendees discussing FI and also a great inside look at the Chautauqua experience.



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Important Resources

  • Talent Stacker is a resource that I learned about through my work with Jonathan and Brad at ChooseFI, and first heard about Salesforce as a career option in an episode where they featured Bradley Rice on the Podcast. In that episode, Bradley shared how he reached FI quickly thanks to his huge paychecks and discipline in keeping his expenses low. Jonathan teamed up with Bradley to build Talent Stacker, and they have helped more than 1,000 students from all walks of life complete the program and land jobs like clockwork, earning double or even triple their old salaries using a Salesforce certification to break into a no-code tech career.
  • Credit Cards are like chain saws. Incredibly useful. Incredibly dangerous. Resolve to pay in full each month and never carry a balance. Do that and they can be great tools. Here are some of the very best for travel hacking, cash back and small business rewards.
  • Empower is a free tool to manage and evaluate your investments. With great visuals you can track your net worth, asset allocation, and portfolio performance, including costs. At a glance you'll see what's working and what you might want to change. Here's my full review.
  • Betterment is my recommendation for hands-off investors who prefer a DIFM (Do It For Me) approach. It is also a great tool for reaching short-term savings goals. Here is my Betterment Review
  • NewRetirement offers cool tools to help guide you in answering the question: Do I have enough money to retire? And getting started is free. Sign up and you will be offered two paths into their retirement planner. I was also on their podcast and you can check that out here:Video version, Podcast version.
  • Tuft & Needle (T&N) helps me sleep at night. They are a very cool company with a great product. Here’s my review of what we are currently sleeping on: Our Walnut Frame and Mint Mattress.


  1. h1blife says

    Ecuador Chautauqua 2016 video was terrific. I understand Chautauqua is not everyone. Will look forward to a detailed report post-Chautauqua 2018 Greece. Is there a way to see the speeches or read them after they have been delivered? Sorry, if it is a stupid question just asked as it would have been good to listen to those speeches for those of us who are not able to attend. Thank you.

    • jlcollinsnh says

      We’ve talked about recording the talks but just haven’t gotten around to doing it.

      But really, in some ways, those are the least of the experience. To get a real feel read the Millennial Revolution post I link to at the end of my above.

        • Mayank says

          Hey Firecracker. Looks like your website is down.
          I’m trying to load it up since yesterday to check your latest posts, but unable to access it.

          • FIRECracker says

            Sorry about that, Mayank! We had some tech issues with the host so we switched to another one. Thanks for letting us know. Should be good to go now.

        • Amanda says

          Woo hoo!!! Signed up for Week 1 right after I read Firecracker’s blog post about it. We’re super excited for this event to be on our side of the world this year (we’re working in Africa right now, so Ecuador was too far), and it happens to fall during our school break! (We’ve said for the last 2 years that someday we’re going to get to this event1) It’s meant to be this time. We’re 1 year from retirement and can’t wait to meet you guys & the 1500s, talk to all of you guys about the FI life and bounce ideas around about what’s next for us!

          • jlcollinsnh says

            Glad this is your year, Amanda…

            …looking forward to hanging out with you.

            Where in Africa are you?

            My wife, Jane, is from Zanzibar.

          • Amanda says

            We are from Washington State but we’re currently living and working in Lagos, Nigeria. We LOVED being in Tanzania. We’ve been to Dar, Zanzibar and Mafia Island. The people there are the absolute nicest!

  2. Jason says

    I do hope to make this. I am taking students to Greece in May for 2 1/2 weeks and we will be visiting the sites and in Thessonaliki for a couple of days. Sounds like a great experience to be surrounded by some really smart people would be fantastic.

    • jlcollinsnh says

      It would be a pleasure to have you join us, Jason.

      By October you’ll be an “old hand” about the area. 😉

  3. Beth says

    While the stock market is a wild hot mess this morning, I was able to calmly hit the “Register”button and sign up for this Chautauqua. Because I’m FI… and I’ve learned that life is amazing but far too short. No regrets! As a friend once told me, “It’s only money, you can always make more.”

    • jlcollinsnh says

      Welcome Beth…

      You sound exactly like the kind of person we want at these events and who helps make them so special.

      Can’t wait to meet you there!

      • Beth says

        Your book should be required reading in every high school. I may have to bring my well-used copy along for an autograph…
        Looking forward to meeting you and the amazing lineup of speakers!

    • jlcollinsnh says

      hey TJ…

      Sorry the time isn’t right for you just now, but when the time comes we’d love to have you join us.

      Enjoy the FI journey!

  4. Paul says

    I’m a big fan of this website and typically find the financial advice spot on. I also regularly loan out my copy of “The Simple Path to Wealth” to folks who seek my advice on financial matters. I’d enjoy attending one of the chatauquas and spending a few days with like minded people. Likewise, Greece looks like a splendid venue for the meetings. However, given my current station in life the time commitment and cost make it difficult for me to travel internationally.

    Have you ever considered holding a chatauqua somewhere closer to home? Somewhere in the United States? Just a thought.

    • jlcollinsnh says

      Hi Paul…

      We think part of the appeal of Chautauquas, and what attracts such a cool group of people each time, is that we hold it in very cool places: Ecuador, Mt. Olympus, Stratford-upon-Avon.

      Plus, there are all kinds of FI events already being held in the US.

  5. David says

    Hi! I read your book the simple path to wealth and was left with (more than) one question: can an index funds “die” or “disappear”? If yes, what happens to your money?

    Best regards,


    • jlcollinsnh says

      Hi David…

      Funds “die” or “disappear” when the assets under management drop too far for them to be profitable for the fund company to want to continue to operate them. Since assets tend to drop when the fund performs poorly, this happens mostly with actively managed funds that live and die on their performance.

      Typically, when this happens the fund company quietly folds the fund and rolls the investors’ assets into another of their fund offerings. Less commonly (because the fund company never wants to see your assets leave) they will fold the fund, cash out the shares and send you whatever your shares were worth in cash.

      This could also happen with narrowly focused index funds, such as those tracking a specific sector. But the odds of it happening with a broad based stock or bond fund like VTSAX/VBTLX is extremely remote.

      • David says

        Thanks a lot for the quick response! Also for your book (which I did not mention in my first question)! You (via Mrs. Frugalwoods) have given me a way out of the rat race other than setting up a succesful company, which is darn hard to do.

        I hope you do not mind me asking you one more question: due to new regulations in my country I cannot invest in VTSAX/VBTLX. The documents of the funds need to available in the language of my country, which they are unfortunately not. I was thinking of VWRL instead. It is based in Ireland instead of the USA and has only existed since 2012. What is your opinion on this fund?

        Thank you for your time.

  6. Jamie V says

    I have wanted to go to one of these since I think I read about the first one. And FINALLY (I’ve been waiting so long for this): This year is the last year that I have to tell myself “no” because I’ll finally be out of debt by end of 2018 (well, except the mortgage!). Hooray!! So hopefully, 2019 Chautauqua, here I come! 😀 Have a great time in Greece!!!

    • jlcollinsnh says

      You’ve got your priorities straight, Jamie!

      As wonderful as Chautauquas are, getting out of debt is even more wonderful. Good on ya that you are so close.

      When the time comes and Chautauqua makes sense, we’d love to hove you join us. 🙂

  7. GK says

    Hi Mr. Collin,

    I read your book and have a question. Right now I am at a stage where I buy everything Buffet buys through his 13F and never plan to sell. Is this part of my hubris or do you think I should give up all this and just buy an index fund? Did you try this strategy when you were trying to beat the market?


    • jlcollinsnh says

      Hi Gurman…

      If you want to follow Mr. Buffett’s moves, why not just buy BRK-A? That way you own what he owns the moment he buys it and, importantly, you benefit from his sale calls too.

      Nope, I never tried this, although in hindsight it would have worked great. Of course the problem with this, and all strategies that follow a stock picking guru, is that once they move on you have to find another. And pay the capital gain if you hold it in a taxable account.

      As to the measure of your hubris, you must look into your own heart for that. 🙂

  8. Kevin says

    Just passed on your book to another friend. One of these years….we may surprise you and come to another Chautauqua. Greece looks phenomenal! Through your blog, I’ve become a big fan of Millennial Revolutions blog as well (I have a bit of a mental crush). Secondly, I’ve been really enjoying the Choose FI podcast. I think it is incredibly cool that Brad (who took the time to help us with logistics of getting to Ecuador), is going to be one of the speakers this year. Safe travels and I look forward to reading about your take on the Greece Chautauqua!

    • jlcollinsnh says

      Hey Kevin…

      …great to hear from you! You and Lysh are welcome back to Chautauqua anytime.

      I have a crush on Firecracker as well, and she is even cooler in person. This will be her third Chautauqua speaking gig.

      Brad and his partner Jonathan are new speakers this year and their energy and excitement already have us charged up. Great additions to the team!

    • FIRECracker says

      Wow, Kevin, so my crazy ramblings didn’t scare you off? This could be the beginning of a beautiful (and nutty ) friendship. Please come to Chautauqua so that everything will be epic and crazy forever and ever.

      • jlcollinsnh says

        Nah, Kevin and Lysh fit right in with this crazy. They are the ones who wrote and perform The Ballad of Chautauqua. 🙂

      • Kevin says

        Crazy ramblings didn’t scare me off at all. I read them all while sitting on my throne petting a cat and laughing maniacally. I definitely look forward to meeting you in person at one of the future Chautauqua’s. Just had a coworker do some international travelling and sent him some of your blog posts to give him some ideas and insight. Have a fantastic time in Greece!

  9. Melyssa says

    It is on my bucket list to attend a Chautauqua! Unfortunately at my ball and chain 9-5 we schedule our vacation in August of the previous year. Is there any tentative schedule for 2019? I understand that this might be asking too much, but hey, if I don’t ask, then I won’t know. Worst case scenario is I use FU $$ to leverage my way, but would rather not unless I have to! Thank you so much for your posts!!! Keep it up, you’re making a difference.

    • jlcollinsnh says

      We’d love to have you join us, Melyssa.

      The best thing to do, is to get on the mailing list so when we announce you’ll be among the first to know.

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